The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - For the Narnia group read. Still love these, even knowing what I know now about them.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - For the HP group read.
The Great Gatsby - Hauntingly beautiful language. Sad story.
The Stockholm Octavo - Intrigue and more intrigue! Will look for her next book.
The Fiery Cross - Audio book. Getting caught up with the Frasers and the MacKenzies before the new book comes out.
Agnes Grey - Enjoyable, but it didn't grab me the way The Tenant of Wildfell Hall did. Perhaps because Agnes neither broke any conventions nor had any great difficulty to overcome.
New Earth - So disappointing. So very, very disappointing.
Jane Eyre - Most of this was familiar, but a good chunk of it wasn't. I must have read an abridged version in my teens. Amazing book!
The Hermit of Lammas Wood - Meh. A quickie read, but nothing to write home about. The characters and their way of speaking in adages ("Sooner started, sooner finished." etc.) grated on me.
Command Authority - Audio book. I miss the Jack Ryan of old. The Jack Ryan of The Hunt for Red October. Not a huge fan of Jack Ryan, Jr. I only stuck with this out of nostalgia.
Wuthering Heights - About 30% in. I won't finish tomorrow. So very dark!
Mt. TBR Books: The Great Gatsby, The Stockholm Octavo, Agnes Grey, New Earth, Command Authority, Jane Eyre